Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Short Update

I'm alive! I made it to Spain.  I'm in a hotel in Sevilla and have been getting slammed with info.  Its actually has been non stop since I left the airport in Norfolk on the 2nd, which means very little sleep, and lots of attempts at writing which left me with many incoherent posts. I am hoping to catch y'all up on Thursday when I finally have some free time.

Orientation is fantastic, but long and I am still very very very jet lagged. Its past 1 am my time, and I woke up at 3 am the day before so the fact these sentences even make some grammatical sense is a significant achievement.

All is well. I'm in high spirits except for  sleep deprivation. I haven't gotten much time to think or breathe so prayers for a level head and heart as the week goes on.

Thanks for all the support I've gotten in texts (i'm using what's app), emails, and messages. I appreciate it so much!

Buenas Noches!

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