Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sundays are Meant for Eating

"In Spain, coming home before 3am isn’t going out, it’s going to dinner."
I woke up this morning at  the late late hour 10:38 am (big deal for me since I get up at 7 am most days) due to a fun fun night of salsa dancing ending around 4am. However for some inexplicable reason I decided to wash the dishes when I got home so I didn't get to sleep until a bit later. ANYWAYS all that is to say, I also had a late breakfast/American lunch of yogurt and muesli. 

Then just a couple of hours later I had a lovely and super long Spanish lunch with my roommate and her sister, brother-in-law, and their precious kids. Man was it legit, basically a 5 course meal. We broke out the fancy table cloth, used the gold-rimmed tea set and everything. But hey its just Sunday.

Apple Cake
Oh and for you coffee lovers to whose tastes I've been so staunchly opposed, I no longer abhor coffee. I can now tolerate it with loads of milk and sugar. The Leche Manchada has brought me around just a tad (thank you Carson Miller for that suggestion). 

Then later tonight I hope to start making the Thanksgiving treats for my classes. And by Thanksgiving, I mean just an apple dessert since I could not find pumpkin puree or corn syrup (for Pecan pie).  Apples seems to evoke Americana well enough and since a cake is a easier than a pie here I am. I've also bought two cans of whip cream that are dangerously close to never making it to the classroom. But enough my of foodie tendencies.

It has been a couple weeks since I've shared my gallivanting. I've had a bit a of a writers block, so my apologies.  In the mean time I've watch loads of Castle (flirty witty banter; how could I resist?) and X- Factor (do yourself a favor and look up James Arthur start at 3:33). Despite being a bit of a hermit, though my pictures may depict otherwise,  I did manage to make my way over to Almeria for the puente ( aka long weekend) at the beginning of November.

Almeria is coastal city with a desert landscape and the hometown of David Bisbal what up Ave Maria. 'Tis also the residence of fellow auxiliares Lindsay and Cathy, who I mentioned came by Granada in my last post.We hiked up to Alcazaba, which is a fortified complex with gardens, ruins, and castle cats. There also happens to be a petting zoo nearby, however we did not venture over.

BUT my favorite part of this trip was Saturday when we caught the bus to Tabernas, a mere 40 minutes away. Tabernas, Spain: home of the filming sets of Mini Hollywood, Western Leone, and Fort Bravo. You may recognize the sets and landscape in movies like Lawrence of Arabia, Cleopatra, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and the list goes on. However for me it was the hallowed ( if I can say that in a non-sacrilegious way) ground where the Doctor and his companions walked!

I'm slightly obsessed with a certain TV show about time and space traveling alien. A couple months ago the crew of Doctor Who shot "A Town Called Mercy" at Fort Bravo. Lindsay and Cathy can tell you I was just a little bit giddy finding the different shots from the episode.

There was also a cheesy but fun saloon show and wagon rides around the set. The three of us wandered around the Old Western town, Mexican pueblo, and the teepees across the ravine. Unfortunately we had to cut out time short before the horse show, otherwise we would have been stuck there until 10pm that night.

During the course of the weekend we also visited a spectacular market and a photography exhibit but I need to get started on my apple cake my kids are spoiled. , so I'll leave that for part 2.

Me, saloon man, Cathy, Lindsay
 If you want to see more of my Almeria/Tabernas photos check out my flickr:

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